A complex development programme focused on detailed diagnostics of education needs using a Development Centre, tailor-made courses and support for putting what you learned into practice. You can find... More
Which Way to Go?
Development Centres
A Development Centre is a diagnostic and development method focused on so-called soft skills – social and communicative abilities and managerial competences. It identifies strengths and development areas of... More
Mystery Shopping, Mystery Calling
Mystery shopping / mystery calling is survey which provides information about quality of services provided by Your company, using surveyors in fictitious roles (customer, job applicant etc.) Mystery shopping... More
Tailor-made Sociological Surveys
A sociological survey is used to find out attitudes and opinions of a given social group. It may be aimed at Your employees, customers or any other group which... More
HR mentoring
Are you starting or planning to start an HR department? What should an efficient HR involve and how can you avoid unnecessary work? Are your efforts to help employees... More