Kate had worked in a company which had numerous branches throughout the country. One day she learned that the branch in her town would close down. The company valued her work and she was offered work at another branch. Kate kept hesitating, weighing the risks. Eventually she decided to move. She did not fit in the new branch like in the old one. Interpersonal relations were different here and new colleagues did not accept her. When layoffs reached the new branch, she was the first to go. Kate was embittered. The company demanded a small sacrifice in exchange for a job. She gave it and yet the promise was broken. Was it the company’s fault? There was nothing they could have done better. None can guarantee that you fit in, that it will not happen again. All they can do is give a chance. Still, Kate lost her job and felt cheated. She did not do anything overtly wrong either. She may have tried to change to fit in better. But changing one’s behaviour is no small feat. It took two consultations before Kate let the past go. During the first one, she realised that in kindling anger against former employer she was mainly hurting herself. This let her turn to the future. At the second consultation she updated her CV, decided where to send it and how to act at a job interview. Afterwards she found a new job. |
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