Company Culture Survey

In a story

„I don’t need to worry about company culture,“ Phillip thought, „we have clear-cut rules, people know what to follow.“ But he found that employees kept breaking them. Although the rules were clear, their actions were influenced by attitudes outside these rules.
It is just like raising children. Children often know what they are expected to do, and yet they behave otherwise. Because they see our wrong example. Because they consider the rule to be wrong and we refuse to discuss it with them. Or because they misunderstand it and act as they think best. There are numerous explanations.
Phillip needs to know his employees’ attitudes, values and principles – in other words, a company culture survey. Before he can change the current situation, he needs to know it.

  • Company Culture Survey is an anonymous evaluation of company culture by its employees, as they see it in various aspects (written and unwritten rules of communication, processes, relations, customs, shared values, attitude to changes etc.)
  • Company Culture Survey will give You employee feedback and identify hidden problems and risks before it is too late. Thanks to that You can positively influence loyalty and morale of Your employees, competitiveness and prosperity of Your company.
  • Entrusting the survey to an external subject will contribute to Your employees’ trust in its anonymity.
  • We do not use any ready-made or copied questionnaires. When putting together a survey, we work only with Your needs and requests. We prefer personal approach and respect ethical boundaries.

Previous Experience

  • We have prepared an extensive company culture survey for an electric power company.
  • We have carried out a complex project in which the output from company culture survey has been tied with follow-up workshops and Development Centres.

