Be Agile

Be agile = emphasise immediate interaction, communication with colleagues
as well as customers, react flexibly, say, what you mean, but in such a way
as to achieve a positive result.

How to succeed in an agile company

Be Agile

= emphasise lightning fast interaction, communicate with colleagues and customers, flexibly react and say what you mean to achieve a positive result.

= prioritise people
rather than processes, efficiency rather than paperwork, cooperation rather than negotiation. Work with change as the only constant in a fluid world.

Our courseswill help you acquire applied psychology skills which will help you efficiently function in an agile company.

  • get ready for change and learn to work with it
  • succeed in an interview for an agile team
  • efficiently cooperate in a self‐organising team
  • efficiently present your ideas rather than your person
  • give and receive feedback and make it work

specialised training of communication skills

Soft skills for:

agility coaches - scrum masters - product owners

Agile teams are for people with
specific roles ‐ requires efficient communication and specific skills: listening, suggesting, moderating, reacting, decision‐making.

The course will give you:

a set of specific communication tools
that will help you assume a role in an agile team

time and space to practice those tools, train and test their effectiveness so that you can rely on them in real life

a chance to test handling difficult and conflict situations, work with conflict people and troublemakers

Management in an Agile Team

a specialised training of agile leadership

  • People and their cooperation or tools and processes?
  • A working product or documentation?
  • Cooperating with customers or negotiating contracts?
  • Reacting to change or sticking to a plan?

In an agile company the first values are prioritised; but the second ones are no less important than before.

As an agilní leader you can help your people accept these values, show people in your team how to self‐organise, make them motived, engaged and pro‐active.

It is not an easy journey and not everyone can take it, but if you
do set on it, in time you can get a smoothly running team where
instead of barely managing its tasks everything gets done fast.

This course can help you achieve it

You will learn ways how to motivate people, make them
involved in the issue, help them assume responsibility for their task,
give and receive feedback and give the whole team a breath of fresh air.

To be an agile leader means to understand that less may be more and that the best products are born in teams which organise themselves.

Sign up

The courses take place in our headquarters: Šlejnická 1, Prague 6.

For more information please contact us at or by phone: +420 732 159 734.